It was just over a year ago, our board of directors wrestled with the crazy notion that Jen and I would take the plunge and work for The Attic full-time. There were some major questions that first needed to be answered. Would the child welfare community make use of the services we could provide? Would churches respond to us challenging them on the biblical mandate to care for the local orphan? Would there be enough funding?
Stepping out in faith, our board and the Waller family decided to go for it. I adjusted my teaching contract to become a part-time teacher at Midland Classical Academy and started working full-time for The Attic on June 1st. Since then, we have helped a child in crisis everyday; making it obvious that The Attic is a staple in the child welfare community. We have worked with over a dozen churches on collaborative projects and visited with many more that want to help. We had a goal to raise $80,000 in 2019 to keep our doors open months into 2020. Because of your generosity and from people like you we reached that goal in October! Thank YOU!
Clearly the Permian Basin needs The Attic Foster Network. 2020 will be another big year for us as we add two new part-time positions and new programs. To prepare, we have already been awarded a grant from the Permian Basin Area Foundation and will be seeking out other grants throughout the year. Our goal now is to raise $100,000 from the individuals and families to take care of the vulnerable children of the Permian Basin. Here are some ways you can continue to help us in 2020:
Make a year-end, tax deductible, donation to give us a jumpstart on fundraising for 2020. Sign up to give regularly and monthly help out vulnerable children and families in the Permian Basin.Request your company to give or match your gift. We are looking for corporate partnerships.Shop for us on our Amazon Wish List for things we distribute and the things we need.Pray about fostering or adopting the children who need you.
Here is a link to our Giving page if you want to give online or make a purchase from our Amazon Wish List.
If you want your entire tax-deductible donation to come to The Attic and avoid credit card fees, you can mail us a check at*:
The Attic Foster Network
2003 Oaklawn Dr.
Midland, TX 79705
With Gratitude,
Matt Waller
Executive Director
*Checks must be postmarked before January 1 to count toward your 2020 tax return.