With these changes you might be wondering what Jen is doing. Jen is sticking around but in a different capacity. Rather than putting together the many requests we get from the local foster community she will be turning her focus toward mentoring and training foster parents allowing us to direct our attention to our young family.
Now championing the requests we receive will be Misty Casey.
Misty is new to the foster care world but has grown to have a heart for children and families in crisis and brings a high level of responsibility to the organization and efficiency of our operations. Feel free to give her a welcome at requests@theatticfn.org. If you would like to make a request, however, you can go to www.theatticfn.org/help. Things are taking off here at The Attic Foster Network. When Jen and I started this thing, we never wanted it to be our thing but, in fact, something that was distinctly owned and driven by the Permian Basin. This is clearly a sign that the movement is growing and families will be safer because of it. Excited about what God will do, Matt Waller P.S. Did I mention that this change is good? 🙂