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Abbi's Message : We Introduce to You...

My name is Addi Todd and I am a senior this year at Midland Classical Academy. After graduation, I plan to attend Texas Tech University and study pre-law.


  1. I really don’t like chocolate but for some reason I do like brownies.

  2. One of my favorite activities is going fishing with my dad and sister.

  3. I like to quote the Rocky movies as often as possible.

  4. I share a birthday with the cookie monster.

  5. I have a dog named Lilah.

Foster care is something that was brought to my attention about three years ago. I never truly understood how foster care worked until my parents decided they wanted to become certified to foster. I quickly learned how desperately the foster system needed more people involved in helping and serving foster children and families. This was a struggle I never even realized was happening around me, despite how big it is. Once we began fostering kids and helping support families who foster, I realized how much passion I had for it. I think it began to mean so much to me when I would meet these foster kids and realize that they are truly just kids, not just a number among many in an overflowing system. They have dreams of what they want to be when they grow up, stories they get excited to share, experiences they are healing from, and hobbies they wish to pursue. This made me want to help give them a support system and help them to have opportunities like I have been given from my family.

I chose to write because I think it is important for people to be informed on how fostering works and why it is valuable. There are many different ways that people can contribute and making people aware of that can help them want to be more involved.

I think the most encouraging part of fostering in my experience was when we had our first placement. They were two sisters and were 10 and 12. I am the youngest in my family, so being in a big sister position was not something I was used to. The oldest girl had 5 younger siblings and was also used to having to take care of all of her younger siblings. At first it felt awkward trying to figure out how to be an older sister but soon enough she opened up to me. It was so rewarding talking to her about things and knowing she felt like she could confide in me.

One of the most discouraging parts can be not knowing what happens to foster children once they leave our home. Our first placement was moved because a very distant family member was found to take them. We were happy that they could be reunited with family, but there is still a feeling of worry not knowing how they are doing or if their family is doing well. This is something that I have had to learn to trust God with. Although it has been a few years since I have seen them, I still pray for them, knowing God cares for them and their well-being too and that He has good plans for them.

Everyone is able to help the foster community. Fostering a child is not the only way to help. If you can cook a meal for a busy foster family, help foster children with their homework, or even donate clothes or luggage to children then you are helping more than you know. I think many people feel discouraged because they feel as if they’re not fit to foster a child themselves because of financial issues or personal reasons, but there are so many other ways anyone can contribute despite those things without directly fostering.

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