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Camp Quarantine Week 3

The Schedule:

Sunday 4/19 - Sunday Spotlight

Let’s focus on CONNECTION! Remember we are all feeling weary. Take this chance to press in to your children. Try to find a time today to connect with each child. Either an extra hug, read them a story, do a silly dance, or get outside and throw a football with them. Take today to check in, see what they need and fill their tanks.

Monday 4/20 - Make it Monday

Let’s get in the kitchen and bake today. Make some muffins, cookies, brownies or anything else you love to bake!

We know you have been part of a recipe exchange.

Tuesday 4/21 - Travel Tuesday

Virtual Tour:

Last week we traveled across the World, this week we will travel America.

Check out these fun virtual tours!

San Diego Zoo

National Park Tours… no masks required

Wednesday 4/22 - Walk-It Wednesday

Go on a good ole fashion walk. Whatever your kids want to use; scooters, bikes, or just walk. Enjoy some time out as a family.

Walking questions:

Check in with everyone, see how they are doing and maybe revisit your Camp Covenant.

Thursday 4/23 - Thoughtful Thursday

Let’s keep the connection going and do that thing the kids have been asking for but we have been putting off. The list in our home: put batteries in the remote control car, fix the toy Jeep, paint nails and replace the tubes on one of the bikes.

Remember we start Empowered to Connect tonight. Click here to lean more and register.

Friday 4/24 and Saturday 2/25

Family Fun Friday and Saturday Adventure

Go Camping! Pitch a tent in your backyard and go on a camp out. Don’t have a tent, just make a sleepover in the living room.

Teach the kids how to pitch a tent and make a campfire.

Make some fun camping meals and roast marshmallows.

Keep that camping trip going on Saturday with a long walk and picnic, some outside games, or cooking hotdogs outside. Whatever you can do to make this weekend feel different and “away” from home.

A few of our favorite camping meals:

Hobo dinners:

-we often used canned chicken for our meat

Lots of yummy options here:

Don't forget to decorate your front door!

Decorate your front door BLUE for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Bring awareness to your neighbors and people passing by.

Winners will be announced the last weekend in April. Judging will be based on visual impact, craftsmanship, and creativity.



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